Get your fuel system up to code with help from Seneca.
Do any of the following issues apply to you?
- Your USTs were just inspected, and the inspector left behind a Notice of Violation.
- The state noted that your dispensers (typically meters) are out of calibration.
- The state red tagged your system.
- You have error messages on your dispensers, POS system or ATG.
- Your tanks or containments are susceptible to taking on water.
- Your insurance company requested additional testing of your UST system.
Seneca Companies can provide “The Complete Solution” to any of these issues.
All our service technicians have calibration cans to verify and adjust meters that are out of tolerance. Additionally, each of Seneca’s branches have calibration trailers to purge and calibrate an entire site. With an average of $40,000 in inventory on every service van and access to regional warehouses for parts, our technicians will have the part needed to fix the issue.
Each technician has accumulated hours of training and are factory-certified on the equipment we sell and service regularly, including Veeder-Root (Passport, ATGs), Franklin Fueling, Verifone (Commander and Ruby) and more.
Let’s Get Your System Up to Code
Contact Seneca today for “The Complete Solution” to your insurance and inspection issues.