Ensure your NEPA questionnaire is filled out correctly.
An NEPA questionnaire is often required by federal government agencies in order to ensure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. Section 4321 et seq. In all cases, a certified environmental/engineering professional must complete the required forms.
The NEPA survey helps identify if the site will require an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS). Assessments typically require a review of the following:
- Wetlands.
- Floodplains.
- Sole source aquifer recharge area (designated by EPA).
- Critical habitat or endangered/threatened species (listed or proposed).
- Wilderness.
- Coastal barrier in coastal barrier resources system or approved coastal zone management area.
- Wild or scenic river.
- Natural landmark.
- Historical, archeological sites.
The questionnaire identifies if the proposed project will impact water quality, air quality, noise pollution, important land resources, unique natural features and areas, environmental justice, social and economic impacts and state environmental policy considerations.
What Permits Does My Project Need?
The NEPA questionnaire can also help identify any permits required for:
- The Army Corps of Engineers 404.
- NPDES Storm Water.
- Floodplain Development Permit.
- CAFO Permit.
- Fish and Wildlife Service Clearance on Endangered/Threatened Species.
- State Historic Preservation Officer Consultation.
- Form FSA-851.
- Environmental Risk Assessment.
- Form NRCS CPA-026e.
- HEL and WC Determination.
- Form FEMA 81-93.
- Standard Flood Hazard Determination.
- Public Notice for Floodplains as required by section 2(a)(4) of EO 11988.
- Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Consultation.
Additional Due Diligence Services
Additional due diligence services available simultaneous or stand-alone include:
- Phase I and II ESAs.
- Vapor Encroachment Screen (VES).
- Environmental Transaction Screens (ETS).
- Insurance investigations.
- Ground penetrating radar surveys.
- Records Search and Risk Assessment (RSRA).
- For more information about the National Environmental Policy Act, please visit https://www.epa.gov/nepa (opens in a new window).
Need Assistance Completing Your NEPA Form?
The experts at Seneca will ensure your NEPA questionnaire is filled out correctly and help you address any issues or obtain any permits that are identified as a result of this exercise.